(PS3) Some minor performance improvements and some more lag reduction (CPS3/Sega System 16) - other drivers can show similar improvements as well.Squarepusher has released an modified version of FBANext emulator, with 4xSoft-HD, better and smoother framerates and a bit faster overall.įBANext is a port of FBAlpha VersionįB Alpha (formerly Final Burn Alpha), based on the original Final Burn source code, is a multi-arcade emulator.įBANext is a native port on the Xbox 360 and PS3 Platforms.Ĭapcom CPS-1 / Capcom CPS-2 / Capcom CPS-3 Cave / Neo Geo / Sega System 16 / Toaplan / Taito / Psikyo 68EC020 Plus Other Misc Great Arcade Systems Chanelog: r435